Course Outline
Overview of the Blockchain Technology
- Understanding Distributed Ledgers
- What is Blockchain?
- Understanding How Blockchain Networks Work
- Understanding the Benefits of Blockchain
- Overview of Blockchain Use Cases
Understanding the Foundations of Blockchain Technology
- Symmetric Information
- Historical Integrity
- Extensible Security
- Democratic Authenticity
- Decentralization and Fault Tolerance
Applying the Blockchain Principles to Issues in Healthcare
- Exploring the Opportunities for Improvement in the Medical Field
- Overview of the Applicability of Blockchain Principles to the Cited Issues
Using Blockchain to Solve Known Problems in Healthcare
- Data Security and Ransomware Problems
- Master Patient Identifier Problem
Understanding the Limitations of Popular Blockchain Technologies
Exploring the Different Blockchain Platforms for Healthcare
- GemOS
- Introduction to GemOS
- Overview of GemOS Features and Benefits
- Overview of the Full Product Stack of GemOS
- Overview of the GemOS Architecture
- MediBloc
- About MediBloc
- Understanding How MediBloc Works
- Overview of MediBloc Apps
- Overview of MediBloc Services
- Overview of the MediBloc Core and Blockchain
- MedChain
- Overview of MedChain
- Overview of MedChain Benefits
- MedicalChain
- About the MedicalChain Platform
- Overview of MedicalChain Features
Case Study: Electronic Medical Records with MedRec
Case Study: Improving Clinical Trials
Case Study: Enhancing the Healthcare Supply Chain
The Future of Healthcare with Blockchain
Summary and Conclusion
Closing Remarks
- Experience in the medical industry
Testimonials (2)
Patrick did a great job of striking a balance between covering all the prepared material while making time to give detailed answers to any questions from the group
Mick Mccarthy - Rakuten Blockchain Lab
Course - Ethereum for Developers
Mr. Chen has plenty of knowledge and experiences in the blockchain domain. I liked the sections that he was willing to discuss with me on some real sceanrios. He had a very clear view on the questions and gave me different advised/suggestions which I had in the real case. He was not selling his ideas but guided me to understand this new technology from different perspectives, by explaining pros/cons for each situations.