Course Outline

What is Angular JS?

  • HTML5, CSS and JavaScript
  • JSON and Ajax
  • Angular JS Applications
  • Bootstrap CSS
  • Models
  • Bindings


  • Simple expressions
  • Values
  • Objects
  • Arrays
  • Maps


  • Data typing
  • Looping over arrays and arrays of objects
  • Creating tables
  • Enabling and disabling HTML elements
  • Hiding and showing HTML elements
  • Handling HTML events
  • Custom Directives


  • Defining controllers
  • Object property functions
  • Controller methods
  • Controllers in external files


  • Global namespace
  • Modules
  • Module dependencies
  • Library loading
  • Where to put scripts
  • Application files


  • Convert to currency
  • Array subsets
  • Upper and lower case conversion
  • Sorting

HTTP Requests

  • General requests
  • Shortcuts
  • Success and error handling
  • Setting HTTP headers
  • JSON and XSRF vulnerability protection


  • HTML input controls
  • Browser versus Angular JS validation
  • Validating input values
  • Displaying input error messages

Angular Modules

  • Services
  • Animation
  • REST
  • Cookies
  • Mobile device support

Single Page Application Concept

  • Routing in Single Page Application (SPA)


Knowledge of HTML5, CSS and JavaScript is useful.

 28 Hours

Testimonials (2)

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