Course Outline
Tomcat Overview
- Quick overview of Apache
- Apache Software Foundation
- Jakarta Project
- Tomcat Licensing
- J2EE Technologies
- Java Web Development
- Servlet/JSP Containers
Java Web Applications
- An Overview of Servlets
- The Advantages of Servlets & The Lifecycle
- JavaServer Pages
- JSP, JavaBeans and JSP Tag Libraries
- MVC frameworks
Installing Tomcat
- Downloading and Installing Apache Tomcat
- Download and install a JVM, Download Tomcat, Download and install Ant
- Windows installer
- Java memory management and tweaking the JVM for performance
Tomcat Directories
- Tomcat Installation Directories, Tomcat Directory Structure, The bin Directory, Common and shared Directories
- The conf Directory, logs Directory. server directory, work Directory, temp Directory, webapps Directory
- Stucture of the Web Application Directory Structure
- Deploying HTML and JSP Pages and Web Context
- JSP Page and the Generated Code
- Deploying a Web App
- Configuration of Tomcat and looking at the Techniques
- Tomcat's Component Architecture
- The <Server> Element, <Service> Element, <Connector> Element, <Engine> Element, <Host> Element, <Context> Element, <Realm> Element, <Valve> Element, <Listener> Element, <Loader> Element, <Manager> Element
- Server.xml File
- Modifying server.xml
Web Applications
- Web Application Administration & Deploying
- Directory Structure of a Web App
- web.xml configuration file
- Deployment Descriptors
- The <web-app></web-app> Element
- Mapping a Servlet to a URL
- The <resource-ref></resource-ref> Element
- The <env-entry></env-entry> Element
- The <ejb-ref></ejb-ref> Element
- A Sample web.xml file
- Deploying a Web Application
- Tomcat's default conf/web.xml file
- Tuning default JSP and Static-content servlets
Tomcat Manager
- Deploying and Managing Web Application using the Tomcat Manager
- Starting the Tomcat Manager and looking at Tomcat Manager
- Looking at the Manager Section
- Applications, Deploy, Server Information
- Creating a WAR File
- Lab 4: Deploying a WAR File
- Java Management Extensions (JMX) on Tomcat
- Tomcat integration with Ant
Advanced Features
- Using Some of the Advanced Features of Tomcat
- Valves, Access Log Valve, Single Sign-on Valve
- Remote Address Filter and Remote Host Filter
- Request Dumper Valve
- Configuring the JNDI Resources
- JNDI: Java Naming and Directory Interface and Defining a JNDI Resource
- The <environment></environment>Element and The <resource></resource>Element
- Configuring a JavaMail Session
- Global Resources
JDBC Connectivity
- Configuring Tomcat to Connect to a Database
- Overview of JDBC
- JDBC Drivers
- Connecting to a Database and Connection Pools
- Download and Install MySQL
- Configure MySQL for Tomcat
- Create a Database in MySQL
- Download and Deploy a JDBC Driver
- Defining a DataSource in Tomcat and Defining a Data Source Manually
- Modifying the Deployment Descriptor
- Detecting and closing leaked database connections
Tomcat Security
- Looking at Security on Tomcat and the configuration
- Security Considerations
- File System Security and Filesystem Recommendations
- Java Security Manager
- Granting Permissions to Java Apps and looking at Java Permissions
- Creating and Adding Your Own Policies
- Enabling the Java Security Manager
- Security Manager Tips and Security Realms
- Looking at the different Types of Realms and Configuring a Realm
- Users and Roles (authentication and authorization)
- Creating a Data Source Realm
- The protection of passwords
- FORM-based authentication
- Configuring Tomcat for SSL
- Requiring SSL in applications
- Connect Tomcat to Apache
- Looking at Connectors
- HTTP Connectors
- Advantages of Using a Web Server
- Connector Protocols
- Configure an AJP Connector
- Download mod_jk
- Create the mod_jk.conf file
- Start Tomcat
- Create a Worker
- Configure httpd.conf
- Test the Setup
- Load balancing applications across multiple Tomcat instances
- Issues with load balancing
- Server affinity via sticky sessions
- Shared session storage
- Replicated sessions via Tomcat clustering
- Shared Hosting
- Tomcat Virtual Hosting
- Configure Tomcat to enable virtual hosting as a stand-alone server
- Configure Tomcat to enable virtual hosting using jk2 or webapp.
- Configure Tomcat as Stand-alone
- Configure Tomcat with AJP
- Separate JVM for Each Host
Load Testing
- JMeter Application
- Load Testing with JMeter
- Install and run JMeter
- Creating a Test Plan
- Configure the Thread Group and adding a task
- Configure the HTTP Request
- Add a Report Listener
- Run the Test Plan
- Viewing the Results
This course is designed for: Web/application server administrators who need to be able to install, configure, run, and tune the Apache Tomcat Application Server.
To get the most benefit from the Tomcat Training course, you should be familiar with the basic principles of web/application server administration.
Testimonials (5)
Interective and examples.
Paulius Stankevicius - Festo SE & Co. KG
Course - Apache Tomcat Administration
Systematic approach; We have covered the whole process, from installation till creating a clustered environment...
Visnja Begovic - Euronet Services Kft
Course - Apache Tomcat Administration
I like the complexity of the training
Attila Molnár - Euronet Services Kft
Course - Apache Tomcat Administration
The delivery mechanism, being able to attend the training from home.
Chris Gagola - Canada Life Group Services
Course - Apache Tomcat Administration
Training was very interactive.