Course Outline


Overview of .NET Development Platform

  • The different .NET platforms
  • Choosing between .NET Framework and .NET Core

Preparing the Development Environment

  • System requirements for .NET Core
  • Migrating from another development environment

Installing and Configuring .NET Core

  • Setting up the .NET Core Software Development Kit and Runtime
  • Using a package manager for other operating systems

Overview of .NET Core Features and Architecture

  • Languages and operating systems supported by .NET Core
  • NuGet packages for .NET Core modular architecture
  • Command-line interface tools of .NET Core
  • The .NET Standard Specification
  • The .NET Core Framework composition

Overview of ASP.NET Core Web Framework

  • Building cloud-based applications with ASP.NET Core

Creating a .NET Core Application

  • Working with visual studio integrated development environment
  • Utilizing MSBuild and managing project files

Overview of .NET Core Software Development Kit

  • The general syntax of project files and other reference
  • Specifying the set of APIs for applications and libraries
  • Adding and removing dependencies of .NET Core applications

Overview of Major .NET Core Global and Local Tools

Overview of Additional .NET Core Tools

Monitoring and Managing .NET Core Applications Performance

  • Enhancing applications performance during development
  • Utilizing Visual Studio performance tools
  • Executing advanced optimization methods for .NET Core applications
  • Applications performance diagnostics on other operation systems
  • Optimizing the source code of .NET Core applications

Overview of .NET Core Execution Model

  • Implementing APIs for enhanced performance

Testing .NET Core Applications and Performing Code Analysis

Debugging .NET Core Applications

Deploying the Application with .NET Core Deployment Models

  • Working with ASP.NET Application Insights
  • Monitoring and tracking .NET Core applications with DynaTrace

Securing Applications Using .NET Core Security Features

  • The .NET Core Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) compliance
  • Cryptographic services by .NET development platform
  • .NET Core guidelines for secure coding


Summary and Conclusion


  • Strong command of C# programming language
  • Basic experience with other .NET development platforms
  • An understanding of cross-platform software architecture


  • Developers
 14 Hours

Testimonials (1)

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