Course Outline

What is Docker?

  • Use cases
  • Major components of Docker
  • Docker architecture
  • Underlying technology

Installation of Docker

  • Installation on Ubuntu and Windows
  • Using Docker Machine for host provisioning
  • Docker Machine drivers for cloud providers

Container life cycle

  • Creating and running containers
  • Stopping and restarting
  • Investigating a container
  • Viewing the logs
  • Looking at processes
  • Removing a container and its data

Dockerizing applications

  • The hello world example
  • Interactive Bash container
  • Building an image by committing changes
  • Building an image from a Dockerfile
  • Automated builds based on GitHub
  • Running more than one process in a container
  • gosu helper tool
  • Running a webapp in a single container
  • Running a webapp in micro services architecture

Managing images

  • Finding and downloading existing images
  • Docker Hub and local repository
  • Sharing images with others
  • Deploying a private image repository

Networking of containers

  • Port mapping
  • Container linking and naming
  • Creating and managing custom networks
  • Network over many Docker hosts (overlay)

Data in containers

  • Data volumes
  • Host directories and files as data volume
  • Data volume containers
  • Data volumes shared between Docker Hosts
  • Backup and restore of data volumes

Docker Compose

  • Overview of Docker Compose
  • Running multi-container applications by using one command
  • Defining services, networks, volumes and variables
  • Setting up runtime constraints on resources

Docker Swarm

  • Introduction to native Docker clustering
  • Discovery services
  • Docker Swarm strategies and filters


Some familiarity with command line and Linux is an advantage.

 21 Hours

Testimonials (7)

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