Course Outline


  • Overview of Ionic and Ionic services
  • Understanding the capacitor runtime

Setting Up the Development Environment

  • Installing Ionic
  • Installing Android Studio
  • Installing Xcode
  • Microsoft vs. code
  • Choosing the best framework

Working with Ionic

  • Building native applications with capacitor
  • Understanding the basics of Ionic
  • Working with HTTP requests

Building Ionic Applications

  • Using the Ionic Command Line interface to build an Ionic app
  • Understanding the components of Ionic
  • Understanding the app layout and styling
  • Using and customizing Ionic themes
  • Using plugins

Debugging and Deploying Ionic Applications

  • Previewing the app
  • Debugging Ionic apps using the console
  • Deploying Nodejs apps for production
  • Preparing Ionic apps for production
  • Publishing Ionic apps

Summary and Next Steps


  • Knowledge of web development
  • Basic experience with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.


  • Web developers
 14 Hours

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