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Thank you for sending your booking! One of our team members will contact you shortly.
Course Outline
- Pivotal Cloud Foundry vs Open Source Cloud Foundry
Overview of Cloud Computing
- SaaS, PaaS to IaaS
Overview of Cloud Foundry (PaaS)
Installing Pivotal Cloud Foundry
Preparing a Sample Application for Deployment
Deploying the Application to Pivotal Cloud Foundry
Update, Scale and Monitor Applications with Cloud Foundry
Deploying with Bosh
Backing up and Restoring Pivotal Cloud Foundry
Upgrading Pivotal Cloud Foundry
Summary and Conclusion
- Experience using a command line interface
- Each participant must have an Amazon AWS account, with:
- A limit on the number of running instances set to at least 50
- An account balance of at least $800 USD
28 Hours
Testimonials (1)
Jorge tries his best to help with our environment setups and other things we want to try.