Course Outline


QML Programming

  • QML syntax
  • Property binding
  • Qt Quick Global Objects

Qt Quick Elements

  • Items, rectangles, and text
  • Images
  • Signals and slots

Preparing the Development Environment

  • Installing and configuring Qt Quick

QML Basic Concepts

  • Building simple widgets
  • Implementing simple widgets
  • Inputting resources
  • Using Views in QML
  • Replacing delegates of content

Qt Quick Positioning

  • Using anchors
  • Working with positioners, layouts, and flow

Animations, transitions, and transforms

  • Implementing animations and particles
  • Using transitions
  • Working with transforms
  • Applying state and gradients

Qt Quick Controls and modules

  • Using Qt Quick controls to build widgets
  • Implementing Qt Quick control widgets
  • Creaing custom styles for widgets
  • Using a custom style on a widget

Dashboard Applications and Prototypes

  • Defining the applications functionalities
  • Applying components and structure
  • Adding a main UI
  • Using application switch mechanism
  • Implementing widgets and application popups
  • Creating models
  • Adding a UI theme
  • Making the UI responsive

Summary and Conclusion

 7 Hours

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