Course Outline


  • Overview of Angular
  • Understanding the Angular framework and architecture
  • Understanding the anatomy of an Angular application
  • What’s new in Angular 13?

Fundamentals of TypeScript

  • Understanding the TypeScript syntax
  • Defining variables and arrays
  • Type in functions

Building Components

  • Overview of components
  • Creating a component using Angular CLI
  • Understanding the component class
  • Using a component template
  • Event Binding

Working with Angular Forms

  • Introduction to forms
  • Using template-driven forms
  • Importing forms module
  • Setting up a form
  • Overview of reactive forms
  • Importing reactive forms module
  • Constructing a form
  • Designing the template

Services, Dependency Injection, and Pipes

  • Overview of service
  • Creating a basic service
  • Understanding service class
  • Introduction to dependency injection
  • Injecting a service instance
  • Introduction to pipes
  • Using built-in pipes
  • Using pipes in HTML template
  • Chaining pipes

Working with HTTP Client

  • Angular HTTP client
  • Using the HHTP client
  • Importing HTTP client module
  • HTTP client request options
  • Returning an HTTP response object
  • Setting request headers
  • Creating a new and simple observable

Angular Component Router

  • Introduction to the Angular component router
  • Navigating view
  • Using the Angular router API
  • Creating a router-enabled application
  • Hosting router components

Implementing Micro-Frontend Architecture with Angular

  • Overview of micro-frontend
  • Advantages and features of micro-frontend
  • Understanding the different approaches to micro-frontend
  • Understanding the micro-frontend framework
  • Creating micro-frontend projects with Angular

Testing Angular Applications

  • Unit testing Angular artifacts
  • Using testing tools
  • Testing steps

Summary and Next Steps


  • Basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript


  • Developers
  • Programmers
 28 Hours

Testimonials (5)

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