Course Outline


  • The need for a DC/OS (Distributed Cloud Operating System)
  • Resource Sharing
  • Data Sharing
  • Programming Abstractions
  • Debugging and Monitoring

DC/OS's kernel space components

  • Master and agents

DC/OS's user space components

  • System components
    • Admin Router, an internal load balancer
    • Cosmos, an internal packaging API service
    • Exhibitor, a Java supervisor system for ZooKeeper
    • Marathon, an Apache Mesos framework for container orchestration
    • Mesos-DNS, an internal DNS service

Installing and operating DC/OS

  • Working with DC/OS components and services
  • Working with the CLI
  • Load balancing with Marathon

Installing distributed systems (applications) with DC/OS Universe

  • HDFS
  • Apache Spark
  • Apache Kafka
  • Apache Cassandra
  • Jenkins

Deploying applications in Docker containers

Deploying applications in native Mesos containers (using Linux cgroups and namespaces)

Using Marathon for native container orchestration

Ensuring high-availability and fault-tolerance for applications and services

Using the GUI-based monitoring and management system

Scheduling systems such as Kubernetes and Swarm as services

Resource management and abstraction

Exploring other ready-to-install packages

  • ArangoDB, Avi Networks, Cassandra, Chronos, Confluent, Crate, DataDog, Elasticsearch, Etcd, Exhibitor, HDFS, Hue, Jenkins, Kafka, Linkerd, Marathon-lb, Marathon, MemSQL, mr-redis, Namerd, NGINIX, OpenVPN, Project Calico, Quobyte, Riak, Ruxit, Spark, Spark Notebook, Storm, Swarm, Weave and Zeppelin

Other DC/OS installation options

  • Bare metal installations vs virtual machines and cloud installations

Summary and conclusion


  • System administrators
  • DevOps engineers
 14 Hours

Testimonials (5)

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