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Course Outline
Overview of Docker Containers And Kubernetes in AWS
Overview of AWS Container Management Offerings and Architecture
Getting Started with Kubernetes on EKS
Building A Kubernetes Cluster On EKS
Networking Kubernetes Pods
Migrating from On-premise to AWS.
Integrate Kubernetes with Continuous Integration (CI).
Ensuring High Availability and Disaster Recovery in Kubernetes.
Using Fargate to Manage EKS
Summary and Conclusion
- An understanding of containers and Kubernetes basics
- Experience with the Linux command line
- An Amazon AWS account with at least 10 USD on it.
14 Hours
Testimonials (3)
Concepts learnt and how to set up the k8 clusters
Sekgwa Ramatshosa - Vodacom SA
Course - Kubernetes on AWS
The hand-on experience of EKS and CLI
Shawn Smith - Vodacom SA
Course - Kubernetes on AWS
The training was more practical