Course Outline

  • DRBD basics
    • Theory of operation
    • Installation
    • Supported replication modes and their use cases
    • Creation of a two-node single-primary cluster
    • Manual failover
    • Recovering from split-brain
  • Corosync
    • Installation and initial configuration
  • Pacemaker
    • Theory of operation
    • Installation
    • Role of STONITH devices
    • Configuration of resource agents
      • DRBD
      • Mounted filesystem
      • Virtual IP address
      • LSB and systemd services
      • Groups, ordering and colocation constraints
  • DRBD in Dual-Primary mode
    • Use with OCFS2
  • Advanced topic: root filesystem on DRBD


  • General understanding of Linux block devices, filesystems, and TCP/IP networking
  • For the "Root filesystem on DRBD" topic: perfect understanding how a Linux system boots (initramfs, init, services, runlevels, ...)
 7 Hours

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