Course Outline

Introduction to Backend Development

Understanding How Websites and Web Applications Work

Installing Python Packages and Libraries

Preparing your Backend Development Environment

Understanding the Difference between Presentation Layer (Frontend) and the Server Side (Backend) of a Web Application

Python Fundamentals

Databases and SQL Fundamentals

Linux Fundamentals

Choosing a Development Framework

Setting up a Web Application Server (LAMP Stack)

Handling User Input

Generating Output

 Using Templates to Standardize Output

Connecting to a Database

Enabling Users to Register through the Application

Securing th Web Application

Testing the Web Application

Managing the Project Using Version Control

Expanding the Application using Advanced Python Features

Working with a NoSQL Database

Deployment Techniques and Continuous Integration

Monitoring Application Performance

Optimizing the Web Application

Scaling a Web Application


Summary and Conclusion


  • Python programming experience


  • Developers
 35 Hours

Testimonials (3)

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