Course Outline

Subversion design philosophy and its advantage

  • Typical copy-modify-merge scenario, how to solve simple conflicts
  • Set user policies and guild-line, make team collaboration smooth and consistent
  • Compensation to copy-modify-merge method (i.e., lock and unlock)

Branching and merging

  • When to create branches, several usages of branches,
  • How to resolve conflicts and do merging wisely, how to absorb changes in different directions
  • How to make use of new features of subversion to do branching and merging
  • How to encourage or discourage users' local branching

Everyday digest and revision review

  • Mailing list, RSS, digest
  • Blaming, delegation

Subversion properties

  • Built-in properties, properties with SVN: prefixed keywords, global properties
  • How to design and use these properties
  • Customized SVN properties for company
  • Creative usage of customised SVN properties
  • Disadvantage of SVN properties (i.e., mind the constraints and not to over-engineer it)

Subversion hooks

  • Hook types
  • General usage of already shipped hooks
  • Self-defined hooks
  • Be creative and imaginative

Secondary SVN server

  • For backup, fail-safe recovery
  • For automatic background tasks
  • For temporary arrangement (i.e., different locations, etc.)

Integration with other tools

  • Issue tracking systems (i.e., bugzilla, track, Jira, etc.)
  • Content managing system (i.e., wiki, etc.)


  • Good knowledge of SVN required.
  • Preferably the delegates will have completed the Subversion for Administrators and Subversion for Users courses.
  • This course can be compressed into a one-day course, with fewer exercises and thus fee can be reduced.
 14 Hours

Testimonials (2)

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