Course Outline

Overview of UAE Corporate Tax Course

  • When will the UAE CT regimen come to be efficient?
  • What will be the duty of the Ministry of Money?
  • What is Company Tax?
  • Why is the UAE introducing CT?
  • Will UAE CT apply to organizations in each Emirate?
  • What will be the duty of the Federal Tax Authority?

Scope and price.

  • How do you determine the business revenue/ revenue that will undergo UAE CT?
  • What will the UAE CT rates be?
  • What is suggested by "big" multinationals?
  • Who will undergo UAE Corporate Tax Course?
  • How do you identify whether a legal entity has a "service" that will be within the scope of UAE CT?
  • How do you establish whether a person has a "service" that will be within the range of UAE CT?
  • Will, a private undergo CT on investment returns?
  • Will revenue from a specific financial institution's down payments be subject to UAE CT?
  • Will an individual's salary income go through UAE CT?
  • Will a person with a business license to conduct business in the UAE undergo UAE CT?
  • Will, an individual who invests in UAE property be subject to UAE CT?
  • If a service has gained a gross income of AED 400,000 in a given fiscal year, what will be the UAE CT quantity payable?
  • Will the income made by a freelance professional go through UAE CT?

Income exempt from CT

  • What is a 'qualifying' shareholding?
  • Will intra-group purchases be exempt from UAE CT?
  • Will anyone be exempt from UAE CT?
  • Will any type of revenue, be exempt from UAE CT?

Foreign persons.

  • Will a foreign company or private undergo UAE CT?
  • Will earnings gained by a foreign capitalist undergo UAE CT?

Free areas.

  • Will the UAE CT therapy be various for a free area service established in an economically free area?
  • Will a free zone service go through UAE CT?
  • Will a free zone service be needed to register and submit a CT return?

Market fields.

  • Will the realty industry be subject to the UAE Corporate Tax Course?
  • Will the oil and gas field and various other extractive markets be subject to the UAE CT routine?
  • Will the financial industry go through the UAE CT regimen?


  • Will excess CT losses be enabled to be continued and made use of in future years?
  • Will a team be able to use the tax losses of one team firm against the taxable income of one more group company?
  • Will the UAE CT program permit the previous year's losses to decrease future taxable income?

Tax obligation group.

  • Will a team of UAE companies be able to create a "fiscal unity" for UAE CT objectives?
  • What is keeping tax?
  • What is the keeping tax price under the UAE CT routine?

Tax credit scores.

  • Will international CT paid on UAE gross income be acknowledged under the UAE CT routine?

Transfer pricing.

  • What are transfer rates policies?
  • Will move pricing rules apply to UAE companies?


  • Will services be needed to sign up for UAE Corporate Tax Course objectives?
  • How frequently will UAE businesses need to file a UAE CT return?
  • Will the CT return need to be submitted online?
  • Will organizations be required to pay tax beforehand?
  • Are there any consequences for non-compliance under the CT routine?
 7 Hours

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