Course Outline

Ubuntu Server Edition

  • Ubuntu versions
  • Available support
  • TLS and standard edition
  • Maintenance policy and life cycle

Ubuntu and Hardware

  • Checking compatibility with Ubuntu
  • Available kernels and supported architectures

Package Management

  • Dpkg and apt-get
  • Available sources
  • Adding new sources
  • Alternative packet management systems (RPM, Yums, etc...) and dependencies
  • Aptitude
  • Automatic Updates
  • Distribution Upgrades


  • Network Configuration
  • TCP/IP, IPv4 and IPv6
  • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
  • Time Synchronisation - timedatectl, chrony
  • Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK)

Remote Administration

  • OpenSSH Server
  • OpenLDAP Server
  • Samba and LDAP
  • Kerberos

Domain Name Service (DNS)

  • Configuration


  • User Management
  • Console Security
  • Firewall
  • AppArmor
  • Certificates
  • VPN
  • SSSD

Web Servers

  • HTTPD - Apache2 Web Server
  • PHP8 - Scripting Language
  • Squid - Proxy Server
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Apache Tomcat, Apache Kafka


  • MySQL, MariaDB
  • PostgreSQL

Wiki Applications

  • Moin Moin
  • MediaWiki

File Servers

  • FTP Server
  • Network File System (NFS)
  • CUPS - Print Server

Email Services

  • Postfix
  • Exim4
  • Dovecot Server
  • Mailman
  • Mail Filtering

Version Control System

  • Bazaar
  • Subversion
  • CVS Server
  • Mercurial
  • GIT

Windows Networking

  • Samba File Server
  • Samba Print Server
  • Securing a Samba File and Print Server
  • Samba as a Domain Controller
  • Samba Active Directory Integration
  • Likewise Open


  • Shell Scripts
  • Archive Rotation
  • Bacula
  • Rsnapshot

Virtualization and Cloud Computing

  • libvirt
  • Quemu and KVM
  • VirtualBox
  • VMware
  • EC2
  • Containers - lxd, lxc
  • OpenStack


  • Keeping /etc under Version Control System
  • Block Device Replication
  • Tools - byobu, munin, nagios, puppet


Basic Linux or Unix-like system knowledge required.

 21 Hours

Testimonials (1)

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