Course Outline


Unit Testing Frameworks

  • What are unit tests?
  • The fundamentals of a unit testing framework

Test-Driven Development

  • Refactoring overview
  • The different approaches to testing

Preparing the Development Environment

  • Installing and configuring Visual Studio Code
  • Installing and configuring .Net
  • Installing and configuring nUnit

Writing a Unit Testing Framework

  • Creating a test
  • Applying more tests
  • Refactoring the test runner
  • Working with the assert class
  • Reflecting to call methods
  • Using a naming convention

Visual Studio Code Integration

  • Creating a project with templates
  • Creating a project with a unit testing framework
  • Running the test
  • Optimizing code
  • Testing parameters


  • Writing and running a test unit
  • Using constraints
  • Testing parameters


  • Writing and running a unit test
  • Testing parameters with InLine
  • Testing multiple parameters
  • Using a custom class member

Advanced Optimizations

  • Grouping tests
  • Working with test attributes
  • Customizing with playlists
  • Debugging tests
  • Using test menus
  • Viewing results with CodeLens
  • Using Code Coverage
  • Running tests with MSTest

Summary and Conclusion


  • An understanding of Dot Net basics


  • Software Testers
 21 Hours

Testimonials (5)

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