Course Outline


  • Javascript and the world of frameworks
  • Vue.js vs Angular

Overview of Vue JS

  • Declarative rendering
  • Component composition
  • Hot-reloading
  • Time-travel debugging

Crash Course in Javascript

  • Syntax, data structures and operators, conditionals, etc.
  • Creating a simple Javascript application using Javascript, HTML and CSS.

Getting Started Vue JS

  • Setting up a development environment
  • Installing Node.js and Vue.js

Creating Your First Application

  • Working with Templates
  • Methods and computed properties
  • Routing

Interacting with the Application

  • Directives and data rendering
  • Applying transitions
  • Managing state

Enhancing the Application

  • Dividing the application into smaller, self-contained components
  • Creating animations
  • Refactoring components

Testing Your application

  • Debugging and performance

Deploying Your Application

  • Building the Application
  • Uploading Your Code to a Web Server
  • Automating the build process using Vue-CLI, etc.


Summary and Conclusion


  • Familiarity with HTML and CSS


  • Developers
 21 Hours

Testimonials (3)

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