Course Outline


  • Recap the basics
  • History of Unix
  • Unique features of Unix
  • Login & Logout
  • The structure of Unix

The Shells

  • sh, ksh, csh, bash
  • The command line
  • Running commands
  • File wildcards
  • Aliases
  • Command substitution
  • Shell variables
  • Special shell variables
  • Command history
  • Input and Output
  • stdin, stdout, stderr
  • redirecting output, errors, input
  • combining output
  • Pipes & filters

Editing in Unix

  • Unix editors genealogy
  • Ed, ex, vi and emacs
  • vi tutorial
  • emacs (optional)

Unix Files

  • The file system
  • File names and extensions
  • Directories
  • Moving around directories
  • Files - where are things?
  • File devices
  • Listing files
  • Looking at file contents
  • Manipulating files
  • Finding files
  • Comparing files

Unix Processes

  • What are Processes?
  • Viewing Processes
  • ps and top
  • signals & kill
  • Controlling Jobs
  • Scheduling

Unix tools

  • Filters & tools
  • cat, tee, grep
  • Regular expressions
  • tr, cut, sort, uniq
  • sed and awk
  • od, strings

Unix Shell Scripts

  • The basics
  • Comments
  • Creating output
  • Interactive input
  • I/O
  • Script arguments
  • Special variables
  • Permissions & PATH
  • Return codes
  • Conditional tests
  • Conditional statements
  • Loops
  • The case command
  • Shell functions
  • Options
  • Debugging

Unix Networking

  • TCP/IP
  • Generic Applications
  • FTP
  • telnet
  • The "r" commands

System Administration

  • A brief introduction


  • Opportunity for review, final questions and further hands-on


Hands-On includes:

  • Logging in and out
  • Using the Unix shell
  • Starting stopping and managing processes
  • Creating files with vi
  • Managing files and directories
  • Creating shell scripts
  • Using network tools



 21 Hours

Testimonials (2)

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