Course Outline


 Module 1: GIT

  • Introduction to Version Control System
  • History of Git
  • Git Basics
  • States in Git
  • Installing Git
  • Configuration of Git
  • Working with Repositories
  • Basic Git Commands
  • Working with Remotes
  • Tagging
  • Git Branching

 Module 2: Docker

  • Introduction to Containers
  • Introduction to Docker
  • Downloading and Installing Docker
  • Docker Essential Commands
  • Docker Engine
  • Running your First Container
  • Docker Image
  • Build Image with Dockerfile
  • Private Registry
  • Storing and Retrieving Docker Images from Docker Hub
  • Networking Docker Containers
  • Data Persistence with Volumes

 Module 3: Automation with Ansible

  • Introduction to Ansible
  • Ansible Architecture
  • Installation and Configure Ansible
  • AD-Hoc Commands
  • Managing Playbooks
  • Managing Variables
  • Managing Loops
  • Managing Notify and Handlers
  • Ansible Vault
  • Jinja2 Templates
  • Managing Roles

 Module 4: Jenkins

  • Introduction to CI and CD
  • Introduction to Jenkins
  • Jenkins Process
  • Jenkins Installation
  • Jenkins User Interface
  • Build First Job: Deploy Web Server Automatically on Jenkins Machine
  • Add Remote Machines and Credentials
  • Deploy Web Server Automatically on Remote Machine
  • Configure Git Web Hooks for Jenkins
  • Add Parameters in Jenkins
  • Integrate Jenkins with Ansible


 35 Hours

Testimonials (2)

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