Course Outline

Section 1: Data Management in HDFS

  • Various Data Formats (JSON / Avro / Parquet)
  • Compression Schemes
  • Data Masking
  • Labs : Analyzing different data formats;  enabling compression

Section 2: Advanced Pig

  • User-defined Functions
  • Introduction to Pig Libraries (ElephantBird / Data-Fu)
  • Loading Complex Structured Data using Pig
  • Pig Tuning
  • Labs : advanced pig scripting, parsing complex data types

Section 3 : Advanced Hive

  • User-defined Functions
  • Compressed Tables
  • Hive Performance Tuning
  • Labs : creating compressed tables, evaluating table formats and configuration

Section 4 : Advanced HBase

  • Advanced Schema Modelling
  • Compression
  • Bulk Data Ingest
  • Wide-table / Tall-table comparison
  • HBase and Pig
  • HBase and Hive
  • HBase Performance Tuning
  • Labs : tuning HBase; accessing HBase data from Pig & Hive; Using Phoenix for data modeling


  • comfortable with Java programming language (most programming exercises are in java)
  • comfortable in Linux environment (be able to navigate Linux command line, edit files using vi / nano)
  • a working  knowledge of Hadoop.

Lab environment

Zero Install: There is no need to install hadoop software on students’ machines! A working hadoop cluster will be provided for students.

Students will need the following

  • an SSH client (Linux and Mac already have ssh clients, for Windows Putty is recommended)
  • a browser to access the cluster. We recommend Firefox browser
 21 Hours

Testimonials (5)

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