Course Outline

Intro to Node.js

  • RAM vs. I/O latency
  • Blocking vs. Non-Blocking
  • Event-driven Programming
  • Event Loop
  • Blocking The Event Loop
  • Node.js Philosophy

Node.js Platform Setup

  • Download and Install
  • Node REPL
  • First Hello World

Modules and npm

  • Anatomy of a module
  • Private code
  • Accessing and using modules
  • npm commands
  • package.json

The Callback Pattern

  • What are callbacks
  • Callback-last
  • Error-first


  • When to use Event Emitters
  • Binding Functions to Events
  • Event Requests
  • Event Listening

Error Handling

  • Callbacks: Error-first
  • Errors in Event Emitters
  • Uncaught Exceptions
  • Using Domains


  • Why Buffers exist
  • Creating Buffers
  • Reading and Writing Buffers
  • Manipulating Buffers


  • What are streams
  • Read and Write Stream API
  • Flow Control
  • Piping
  • Duplex Stream
  • Transform Stream


  • Intro and Installing Express.js
  • Building a Hello Express application
  • Creating routes
  • Rendering Layouts
  • Using templates
  • Adding partials
  • Using locals and conditional templates
  • Modularizing routes

  • Listening for
  • Broadcasting
  • Answering questions

Connecting to Databases

  • No SQL and Document Stores
  • Relational DBs
  • Configuration and platform setup
  • CRUD Operations


Students taking this course should have JavaScript programming experience.

 21 Hours

Testimonials (7)

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