Course Outline

PHP Language Syntax and Basic Concepts

  • PHP Install and Libraries
  • PHP Syntax
  • PHP Variables
  • PHP String
  • PHP Operators
  • If...Else, Switch
  • Arrays
  • While Loops
  • For Loops
  • Functions
  • Forms
  • Forms feedback, GET and POST
  • PHP Include

Data Structures

  • Associative arrays
  • Session variables, global variables, cookies
  • Date
  • File and File Upload
  • Cookies and Sessions
  • E-mail
  • Error Handling
  • Exceptions Handling
  • PHP Filter

Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • classes
  • access modifiers
  • constructors
  • inheritance

Using Databases

  • connect to the database
  • storing passwords
  • executing queries
  • processing data
  • modifying and removing data
  • binding form to records in the database


  • authorization and authentication
  • using cookies and sessions

Dealing with Images

  • GD Library and alternatives


  • SimpleXML
  • Expat Parser


Good HTML knowledge required, any basic procedural language knowledge recommended (C, Pascal, Basic, etc.)

 14 Hours

Testimonials (1)

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