Course Outline

Introduction to Python


1 - Installing Python

2 - Numbers

3 - Strings

4 - Slicing up Strings

5 - Lists

6 - Installing PyCharm


Conditional Statements

7 - if elif else



8 - for

9 - Range and While

10 - Comments and Break

11 - Continue



12 - Functions

13 - Return Values

14 - Default Values for Arguments

15 - Variable Scope

16 - Keyword Arguments

17 - Flexible Number of Arguments

18 - Unpacking Arguments

19 - My trip to Walmart and Sets

20 - Dictionary

21 - Modules


Playing with Requests and Files

22 - Download an Image from the Web

23 - How to Read and Write Files

24 - Downloading Files from the Web



28 - Exceptions


Object Oriented Programs

29 - Classes and Objects

30 - init

31 - Class vs Instance Variables

32 - Inheritance

33 - Multiple Inheritance

34 - threading


Playing around with Python

35 - Unpack List or Tuples

36 - Zip (and yeast infection story)

37 - Lamdba

38 - Min, Max, and Sorting Dictionaries

39 - Pillow

40 - Cropping Images

41 - Combine Images Together

42 - Getting Individual Channels

43 - Awesome Merge Effect

44 - Basic Transformations

45 - Modes and Filters

46 - struct

47 - map

48 - Bitwise Operators

49 - Finding Largest or Smallest Items

50 - Dictionary Calculations

51 - Finding Most Frequent Items

52 - Dictionary Multiple Key Sort

53 - Sorting Custom Objects


Add Ons:


54 - Database Connectivity and Querying for MySQL

55 - Quick look into Regular Expressions

56 - Playing around with REST API


Writing a Web Crawler


Natural Language Processing and NLTK

Introduction to NLP (examples in Python of course)

  1. Simple Text Manipulation

    1. Searching Text

    2. Counting Words

    3. Splitting Texts into Words

    4. Lexical dispersion

  2. Processing complex structures

    1. Representing text in Lists

    2. Indexing Lists

    3. Collocations

    4. Bigrams

    5. Frequency Distributions

    6. Conditionals with Words

    7. Comparing Words (startswith, endswith, islower, isalpha, etc...)

  3. Natural Language Understanding

    1. Word Sense Disambiguation

    2. Pronoun Resolution

  4. Machine translations (statistical, rule based, literal, etc...)

  5. Exercises

NLP in Python in examples

  1. Accessing Text Corpora and Lexical Resources

    1. Common sources for corpora

    2. Conditional Frequency Distributions

    3. Counting Words by Genre

    4. Creating own corpus

    5. Pronouncing Dictionary

    6. Shoebox and Toolbox Lexicons

    7. Senses and Synonyms

    8. Hierarchies

    9. Lexical Relations: Meronyms, Holonyms

    10. Semantic Similarity

  2. Processing Raw Text

    1. Priting

    2. struncating

    3. extracting parts of string

    4. accessing individual charaters

    5. searching, replacing, spliting, joining, indexing, etc...

    6. using regular expressions

    7. detecting word patterns

    8. stemming

    9. tokenization

    10. normalization of text

    11. Word Segmentation (especially in Chinese)

  3. Categorizing and Tagging Words

    1. Tagged Corpora

    2. Tagged Tokens

    3. Part-of-Speech Tagset

    4. Python Dictionaries

    5. Words to Propertieis mapping

    6. Automatic Tagging

    7. Determining the Category of a Word (Morphological, Syntactic, Semantic)

  4. Text Classification (Machine Learning)

    1. Supervised Classification

    2. Sentence Segmentation

    3. Cross Validation

    4. Decision Trees

  5. Extracting Information from Text

    1. Chunking

    2. Chinking

    3. Tags vs Trees

  6. Analyzing Sentence Structure

    1. Context Free Grammar

    2. Parsers

  7. Building Feature Based Grammars

    1. Grammatical Features

    2. Processing Feature Structures

  8. Analyzing the Meaning of Sentences

    1. Semantics and Logic

    2. Propositional Logic

    3. First-Order Logic

    4. Discourse Semantics

  9.  Managing Linguistic Data 

    1. Data Formats (Lexicon vs Text)

    2. Metadata


There are no specific requirements needed to attend this course.

 35 Hours

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