Course Outline
Quasar Framework Overview
- What is Quasar Framework?
- Quasar Framework features
Vue JS at a Glance
- Virtual DOM
- Data binding
- Components
- Animation/transition
- Templates
Preparing the Development Environment
- Installing and configuring Quasar Framework
- Installing and configuring VueJS
Vue.js Quick Start
- Binding data
- Displaying lists
- Handling events
- Creating custom components
State and Data Management Vuex
- Setting up a store
- Working with tasks
Forms and Validation
- Adding and editing tasks
- Validating forms and input
Data Persistence with Firebase
- Creating a project
- Importing data
- Reading and writing data
- Handling errors
Development on Platforms
- Using Electron
- Using Cordova
- Building for production
Testing the Application
- Testing with unit tests and mock tests
Debugging the Application
- Handling errors
Deploying the Application
- Deploying a cross-platform application
- Hosting a cross-platform application
- Running on different emulated OS devices
Securing the Application
- Hiding data
Summary and Conclusion
- Experience with JavaScript
- Web Developers
Testimonials (4)
The lessons was very interactive and the excersices was good practical
Heino - NWK Limited
Course - Laravel and Vue.js
The trainer seemed very knowledgable about Vue. I appreciated seeing his development style and learning some new concepts to try.
Adrian Borrmann - CBC/Radio-Canada
Course - Advanced Vue.js
I really like Shawn's live coding style in teaching the course. He demonstrated his practical knowledge and experience on the subject.
Nhan Nguyen - Navy Information Warfare Center - Pacific
Course - Vuetify.js
Completing the labs to add new functionality (calculator & trading labs)