Course Outline


  • RT- Linux
  • Different types of Operating systems
  • RTOS basics – Linux as Real Time
  • RTOS Introduction (Hard Real Time, Soft Real time)
  • Latency in Linux, Priority Inheritance
  • Linux 4.x features for realtime
  • Kernel Compilation
  • RT LINUX patching
  • Linux RTPREEMPT Patches
  • Configuring the Kernel with RT-PATCH
  • Implemantation of Real Time application
  • Linux real-time API
  • Measuring and camparing scheduling latency in standard Linux and in RT-Linux with the latest RT patches
  • Porting RT-Linux on ARM and application development


Please state which OS you require the course to be run on (eg, MC-OS, FreeRtos, VXwork, etc...)

 7 Hours

Testimonials (5)

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