Course Outline

Section 1: Nginx (Day 1 duration 1.5 Days)

Module 1: Installing Nginx and Third-Party Modules

  • Installing Nginx using a package manager
  • Configuring for web 
  • Configure the options to specify paths
  • Table: HTTP configure options
  • Enabling various modules
  • Table: HTTP module configure options
  • Disabling unused modules
  • Table: Disable configure options
  • Installing third-party modules

Module 2: A Configuration Guide

  • The basic configuration format
  • Nginx global configuration parameters
  • Table: Global configuration directives
  • Using include files
  • The HTTP server section Client directives, File I/O directives, Hash directives, Socket directives
  • The virtual server section
  • Configuring Locations – where, when, and how

Module 3: Nginx as a Reverse Proxy

  • The proxy module
  • Proxy module directives
  • The upstream module: Keepalive connections and Load-balancing algorithms
  • Types of upstream servers: Single upstream server, Multiple upstream servers, Non-HTTP upstream servers
  • How to handle upstream problems

Module 4: Reverse Proxy Advanced Topics

  • Introduction to Security
  • Encrypting traffic with SSL
  • Authenticating clients using SSL
  • Blocking traffic based on originating IP address
  • Isolating application components for scalability
  • Reverse proxy performance tuning: Buffering, Caching, Compressing            

Module 5. The Nginx HTTP Server

  • HTTP server directives
  • HTTP logging directives
  • HTTP file-path directives
  • Name resolution directives
  • HTTP client interaction directives
  • HTTP limits directives
  • HTTP access module directives
  • HTTP streaming directives

Module 6. Nginx Load Balancing

  • About Load Balancing
  • Setting up the environment
  • Using the Upstream Module
  • Using the right directives (Weight, Hash, Max Fails, etc.)
  • Testing your configuration

Module 7: Troubleshooting Techniques

  • Analyzing log files
  • Configuring advanced logging
  • Common configuration errors
  • Performance problems
  • Using the Stub Status module

Section 2: Apache (Day 2 duration 1 day)

Module 1. Installation

  • Installing Apache
  • Apache starting, stopping and Apache restarting
  • Apache uninstalling 
  • Finding Apache’s files location

Module 2. Adding Common Modules

  • Installing a Generic installation modules
  • Installing Unix mod_dav
  • Installing mod_perl
  • Installing Unix mod_php 
  • Installing mod_ssl SSL (Secure Socket Layers)
  • Finding Modules Using
  • Installing mod_security

Module 3. Logging

  • Getting more logs entries and Details
  • Logs rotating

Module 4. Virtual Hosts

  • Setting Up Name-Based Virtual Hosts
  • Setting Up address-based virtual hosts

Module 5. Aliases, Redirecting, and Rewriting

  • Mapping a URL to a Directory
  • Creating a New URL for Existing Content
  • Giving URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) users having own URLs Users Their Own URLs
  • Redirecting to another location
  • Redirecting Several URLs to the same Destination
  • Rewriting elements between path and query string
  • Turning URL Segments into query arguments

Module 6. SSL

  • Installing SSL
  • Generating self-signed SSL certificates 
  • Generating a trusted CA
  • Serving a portion of site via SSL
  • Authenticating with Client certificates

Module 7. Dynamic Content

  • Enabling a CGI Directory
  • Enabling CGI Scripts in Non-ScriptAliased Directories
  • Specifying a Default Document in a CGI Directory
  • Enabling and using WebDAV
  • Complex Configurations and the security Issues with WebDAV

Section 3: Java Virtual Machine (Day 3 duration 0.5 days)

Tuning the Java Virtual Machine

Choosing the JVM settings

  • Sizing the garbage collector generations
  • Where to configure JVM settings
  • When you cannot allocate enough memory for the JVM
  • The correct amount of memory to grant your application
  • Setting the correct heap size

The correct ratio between the young and old generations

  • The garbage collector algorithms
  • Choosing the right garbage collector for your application
  • The G1 garbage collector
  • Debugging garbage collection
  • Making good use of the memory
  • Handling 'Out of Memory' errors
  • Finding the memory leak in your code

Section 4: Java Web

Introduction to Java Web technologies

  • What is a Servlet and when to use
  • Introduction to JSP
  • Servlet versus JSP
  • What is a JavaBean
  • Introduction to JEE
  • The role of EJB (Session Beans, Entity Beans, MDB Beans) in an enterprise application
  • The MVC pattern
    - The role of the Model
    - The role of the View
    - The role of the Controller

Section 5: Multimedia content and HTML 5

  • HTML 5 Audio and Video elements
  • Different streaming protocols
    - Internet Protocol television (IPTV)
    - HTTP Live Streaming 
  • Server implementations
  • The role of OTT streaming

Section 6: JBoss (Day 4 duration 1 day)

Module 1: Installing Core Components

  • Installing the Java environment
  • Installing JBoss AS
  • Application server features
  • Creating a custom server configuration

Module 2: Customizing JBoss AS Services

  • How to monitor JBoss AS services
  • JBoss AS thread pool
  • Configuring logging services
  • Configuring the connection to the database
  • Configuring the transaction service

Module 3. Deploying EJB 3 Session Beans

  • Developing Enterprise JavaBeans
  • Configuring the EJB container

Module 4: Deploying a Web Application

  • Developing web layout
  • Configuring JBoss Web Server

Module 5: Deploying Applications with JBoss Messaging Service

  • The new JBoss Messaging system
  • Developing JMS applications
  • Advanced JBoss Messaging

Module 6: Managing JBoss AS

  • Introducing Java Management Extension
  • JBoss AS Administration Console
  • Managing applications
  • Administering resources

Module 7. JBoss Drools - Introduction

  • Getting the software
  • Installing the BRMS/Guvnor
  • Installing the Drools plug-in

Module 8. Using the Guvnor

  • General Navigation
  • Administration (Rules, Packages, Deployment)
  • Building a Guided Rules with the Guvnor
  • From Guvnor to JBoss IDE
  • Testing your Rules


  • An understanding of web server concepts and protocols
  • Experience with using Linux command line and text editors
  • Basic programming experience in Java or PHP


  • System administrators
  • Web developers
  • Anyone who wants to learn how to use different web server technologies and features
 28 Hours

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