Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction to ASP.NET MVC

  • Recap of ASP.NET Web development
  • Key benefits of ASP.NET MVC
  • The role of the model, view, and controller

Module 2: Getting Started with ASP.NET MVC

  • Preparing your development environment for ASP.NET MVC
  • Creating an ASP.NET MVC project
  • Understanding the structure of an ASP.NET MVC project
  • Naming conventions
  • Creating views
  • Defining controllers
  • Defining a data model

Module 3: Creating a Complete ASP.NET MVC Application

  • Creating strongly-typed views
  • Understanding URLs and action methods
  • Using HTML helpers
  • Handling form post-backs; Data validation

Module 4: Using the Razor View Engine

  • Razor design goals
  • Implementing a Razor view
  • Razor syntax
  • Accessing model data in Razor views

Module 5: Industrial-Strength ASP.NET MVC Applications

  • ASP.NET application architecture best practices
  • Implementing a repository and Entity Framework data model
  • Using Dependency Injection; Implementing a custom controller factory
  • Test-Driven Development with ASP.NET MVC

Module 6: View Techniques

  • Defining and using custom HTML helpers
  • Defining a layout/master page
  • Using styles
  • Defining and using partial views
  • Razor helper method syntax

Module 7: Implementing Navigation: Defining view-model classes

  • Implementing data filtering in a controller
  • Understanding the routing mechanism
  • Adding custom entries to a route table
  • Defining defaults, parameters, and validation
  • Generating URLs and hyperlinks
  • Custom route constraints

Module 8: State Management

  • Using hidden fields
  • Session and application state
  • Custom model bindings

Module 9: Using Ajax and jQuery with ASP.NET MVC

  • Overview of Ajax and ASP.NET MVC; Unobtrusive Ajax;
  • Using Ajax action links
  • Overview of jQuery
  • jQuery techniques
  • Using jQuery UI

Module 10: Additional ASP.NET MVC 4.5 Techniques

  • View scaffold templates
  • Controller scaffold templates
  • Dependency injection with Unity

Module 11: Test Driven Development with ASP.NET MVC

  • Recap of TDD
  • Walk-through of using TDD with ASP.NET MVC

Module 12: Additional Techniques

  • Controller techniques
  • Filters
  • Model binding


3-6 months experience of ASP.NET Web development using in C#.

 28 Hours

Testimonials (5)

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