Course Outline


  • Introduction to Visual Studio 2015/2017
  • Console.WriteLine, Console.ReadLine
  • Hello C# World !
  • Compiling and Debugging
  • Comments in C #
  • The mention of Class, using, Main

.NET 6.0

  • What is .NET?
  • CLR and GC
  • DLL and EXE ?
  • Technologies within. NET

C# Fundamenty

  • History C# from 1.0 do 6.0
  • Pascal Case, Camel Case Uppercase
  • Keywords, Literals, Operators, Punctuators, Statements, Comments
  • Value Type, Reference Type
  • Assigning and comparing variables
  • Conditional operations - If, Switch
  • Loops - For, Foreach, while, to… while…
  • Overview of key words and operators of C #

C# 6.0

  • Numeric and Boolean types
  • Classes and Objects (inheritance, polymorphism)
  • Felds
  • Properties Indexery, Operators
  • Methods
  • Delegates, Events, Anonymous Methods
  • Namespaces
  • Interface, Structure, Enum
  • Boards
  • Exceptions
  • Generic Types and Anonymous
  • Strings text strings and characters.
  • Attributes

.NET Class Library

  • Collections
  • Files and Data Streams
  • Communication between systems
  • Dates
  • Serialization
  • Parallel Programming
  • Asynchronous operations and parallelized
  • Useful operations

Access to Data

  • LINQ
  • ORM – Entity Framework
  • Data in SOA

Review of applications that can be developed in C # and. NET Framework 6

  • Windows Presentation Foundation
  • Silverlight


  • Knowledge of basic phrases in the field of software development.


  • Developers
  • Software Engineers
  • Programming Enthusiasts
 28 Hours

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