Course Outline

Introduction to C#

  • History of C#
  • .NET platform
  • Using documentation and selected books
  • Trends in development of C# and .NET


  • Data types
  • Simple types
  • Operators
  • Object serialization
  • Data collections
  • Instructions flow control
  • Tables

Object‐oriented programming

  • modeling
  • Objects: properties and methods
  • Creating objects
  • Objects and references
  • Classes
  • Interfaces
  • Abstract classes
  • Polymorphism

Error Handling exceptions

  • Try... catch instruction
  • Create your own exception types

Input‐output operations

  • Streams and filters
  • file Support

The basics of creating web applications using C# in .NET

  • Overview of ASP.NET Core
  • multilayer architecture
  • Applications architecture Request / Response
  • Make a connection and work with database
  • Modeling of the business layer application
  • Layer controllers
  • Creating views
  • Discussion of common use cases
 14 Hours

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