Course Outline


Project Setup

.Net and VisualStudio Setup

C# Data Types and Operators

  • Variable types
  • Operators
  • Conditional statements
  • Loop Statements
  • Lists
  • Switches
  • Arrays

Object-Oriented Programming

  • Class creation
  • Constructors
  • Constructor overloading
  • Namespaces and using statements


  • Method creation
  • Method reuse
  • Method overloading
  • Passing arguments


  • Lists
  • Vectors
  • Dictionary
  • Generics

Extending Classes

  • Construction of classes
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Abstract classes
  • Interface classes

Working with Strings

  • Manipulation
  • Formatting
  • Tokenizers

Unit Tests

  • Web testing
  • Creation
  • Assertions


  • The Watch Window
  • Debug Commands
  • Debugging Functions

Exception Handling

  • Catch Block
  • Finally Block
  • Throw Keyword
  • Try Catch Block

Working with JSON

  • Structure
  • JSON libraries
  • Creating JSON strings
  • Deserializing

Towards an Automation Framework

Closing Remarks


  • An interest in C# programming and automation testing


  • Beginner testers who wish to learn C# for automation testing
  • Professional testers with experience in other programming language such as Java or Javascript who wish to transfer their testing skill set to C#
 21 Hours

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