Course Outline

What is the Internet of Things?

What stacks / layers / elements does the IoT consist of?

  • UX layer
  • Technological layer
  • Market layer
  • Business layer
  • Physical Layer

What's your business?

  • What you need to know before a smart transformation
  • How to conduct an effective assessment and audit of your company?
  • What to look for when choosing a manufacturer / buying IoT?

What is blockchain technology and where is it used?

  • Is blockchain for me?
  • Advantages and disadvantages of blockchain integration - on the example of a specific company

What is the essence of communication and what acronyms do you need to know to freely navigate the world of blockchain / IoT?

  • dApp,
  • RPC,
  • MQTT,
  • COAP

What is the interoperability problem (why some devices don't work with others)?

  • Open IoT solutions
  • Closed IoT solutions

What are the problems with smart devices and blockchain?

  • User Experience
  • Legislation
  • Ethics
  • Work methodology

How to use IoT and blockchain (example):

  • Amazon (order blockchain)
  • MediLedger network (medical blockchain)
  • Alibaba / Walmart (nutritional blockchain)
  • Wien Energie (city blockchain)
  • Everledger (blockchain of diamonds and precious resources)
  • Deloitte (order blockchain)

Which supplier to choose (overview of available companies in the USA, Europe and Asia)?

  • FlowChain,
  • SkeyNetwork,
  • others

What is the idea of ​​tokenization?

How - in terms of IoT - are they different ...?

  • Microsoft,
  • AWS,
  • Google

Q&A session


General understanding of IoT or Blockchain.

 7 Hours

Testimonials (2)

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