Course Outline


  • JVM, JRE and JDK
  • Integrated Development Environment
  • Compilation and execution of a Java code

Java Syntax

  • Packages
  • Variables, arrays and data types
  • Operators and control flow
  • Enumeration details

Object-Oriented Programming

  • Classes and objects
  • Class constructors
  • Inheritance, overloading and overriding
  • Access modifiers
  • Abstract classes
  • Interfaces

Java Collection Framework

  • Collections vs arrays
  • Lists, maps, queues and sets
  • Maps
  • Equals and hashCode contract
  • Sorting

Exception handling

  • Class Throwable
  • checked and unchecked exceptions
  • Throwing an exception
  • 'try...catch' statements
  • Creating custom exceptions

Input/Output API

  • Working with Input and Output Streams
  • Byte vs character stream
  • File Handling
  • Object Serialization
  • NIO.2

Java Concurrency

  • Threads and concurrency
  • Thread class vs Runnable interface
  • Running taks using ExecutorService
  • Synchronizing threads


Procedural programming language (like C, PHP, Basic, Pascal) or object oriented programming language knowledge required.

 28 Hours

Testimonials (5)

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