Course Outline

Browser and Document Objects

  • When to Use JavaScript
  • The Document Object Model
  • When a Document Loads
  • Object References
  • Node Terminology

Scripts and HTML Documents

  • Where Scripts Go into Documents
  • JavaScript Statements
  • When Script Statements Execute
  • Viewing Script Errors

Programming Fundamentals

  • Variables
  • Expressions and Evaluation
  • Data Type Conversions
  • Operators
  • Decisions and Loops
  • Control Structures
  • Functions
  • The String Object, Date Object, Array Object
  • The Regular Expression and RegExp Objects
  • Control Structures and Exception Handling
  • Debugging Scripts

Document Object Model Essentials

  • The Object Model Hierarchy
  • Object Properties, Methods, Event Handlers
  • The W3C DOM
  • Generic HTML Element Objects
  • Window and Frame Objects
  • Location and History Objects
  • The Document and Body Objects
  • The Form and Related Objects
  • Button Objects
  • Text-Related Form Objects
  • Select, Option and FileUpload Objects
  • Event Objects
  • Style Sheet and Style Objects

Functions and Custom Objects

  • Function Object
  • Function Application Notes
  • Creating Your Own Objects with Object-Oriented JavaScript
  • Object-Oriented Concepts

Creating Ajax Applications

  • What Can You Do with Ajax?
  • JavaScript's role
  • Interacting with Server-Side Code
  • Passing Data to Server-Side Scripts
  • Using Ajax with XML

Ajax in Depth

  • Working with Multiple Concurrent XMLHttpRequest Requests
  • Handling JavaScript Sent from the Server
  • Calling Another Domain in Ajax
  • Working with Ajax and Head Requests
  • Eliminate Caching

Introducing Ajax Frameworks

  • Using the Ajax Utility Library
  • Using libXmlRequest to Download XML
  • Using AJAXLib to Download XML
  • Majax, Sack, XHConn, uniAjax Framework
  • Using Server-Side Ajax Frameworks

XML and Ajax

  • Retrieving Data from an XML Document
  • Accessing XML Data Directly and Attributes Values
  • Validating your XML

Ajax And Security

  • Protecting Against Malicious Users
  • Looking at the Security Issues with Proxy Servers
  • Handling Security in Ajax Applications

Ajax And Web Implementations

  • Ajax And Validations
  • Ajax And Dynamic Loading
  • Ajax And Progress Bars
  • Ajax And Dynamic Tool tips
  • Ajax and Web Services
  • Ajax and Autocomplete


HTML knowledge is required. Any programming language knowledge is beneficial but not required.

 35 Hours

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