Course Outline


  • Agile vs Kanban vs Scrum

Jira Installation and Setup

Overview of Jira Features and Design

The Kanban Way

  • Process, team work, customer engagement, waste, simulation

Creating a Kanban Project

Overview of the Kanban Board

Configuring a Workflow

  • Backlog, Selected for Development, In Progress, Done

Adding Tasks, Bugs, and User Stories to the Backlog

Moving Work through Development, In Progress, and Done

Holding Team Meetings

Limiting Work In Progress using Column Constraints

Monitoring Team Progress with the Control Chart

Visualizing Team Progress using the Cumulative Flow Diagram

Carrying out Search and Analysis

Customizing Jira


Summary and Conclusion


  • An understanding of project management concepts (workflows, etc.)
  • Experience working in team projects
 14 Hours

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