Course Outline


Installation and Configuration

  • Update, upgrade, and reinstall macOS Big Sur
  • Set up and configure macOS on an individual Mac
  • Introduction to the command-line interface and macOS Recovery

User Accounts

  • Manage user accounts, user home folders, macOS security and password changes

File Systems and Storage

  • Manage file systems, storage, encryption, permissions, and file sharing.

Data Management

  • Use hidden items, shortcuts, file archives, metadata, and Spotlight
  • Manage system resources and Time Machine

Apps and Processes

  • Install, manage, and troubleshoot apps. Manage documents

Network Configuration

  • Manage basic and advanced network settings
  • Troubleshoot network issues

Network Services

  • Manage network services, host sharing, and a personal firewall

System Management

  • Manage printers and scanners
  • Troubleshoot peripherals, startup, and other system issues.
 21 Hours

Testimonials (3)

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