Course Outline

Installing MariaDB server

  • Installing in Ubuntu/Debian
  • Installing in other Linux Distributions
  • Installation on Windows

MariaDB Server Files and Scripts

  • MariaDB Programs
  • MariaDB Server
  • MariaDB Client
  • GUI Tools

MariaDB Server Configuration

  • Server Options
  • The Server SQL Mode
  • Server System Variables
  • Dynamic System Variables
  • Server Status Variables
  • Shutdown Process

MariaDB Security Issues

  • Securing MariaDB Against Attacks
  • Security-Related Options
  • Security Issues with LOAD DATA LOCAL

MariaDB Access Privilege System

  • MariaDB Privilege System Overview
  • Privileges Provided by MariaDB
  • Connecting to the MariaDB Server - Stages
  • Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification
  • Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification
  • Access Denied Errors

MariaDB User Account Management

  • Users and Passwords
  • Creating New Users
  • Deleting User Accounts
  • Limiting User Resources
  • Changing Passwords

MariaDB Database Maintenance

  • Backup and Recovery
  • Point-in-Time Recovery
  • Maintenance and Crash Recovery
  • myisamchk Syntax and Options
  • Getting Table Information
  • MariaDB Local Setting
  • National Characters and Sorting
  • MariaDB Server Time Zone

MariaDB Log Files

  • Error Log
  • General Query Log
  • Update Log
  • Binary Log
  • Slow Query Log
  • Log File Maintenance and Rotation

Running Multiple MariaDB Servers on the Same Machine

  • Running Multiple Servers in Windows
  • Running Multiple Servers in Windows as Services
  • Running Multiple Servers in Unix and Linux
  • Using Client Tools in a Multi-Server Environment

MariaDB Query Cache

  • The Concept of Query Cache
  • Testing Query Cache with SELECT
  • Configuring Query Cache
  • Checking Query Cache Status and Maintenance

The CONNECT Storage Engine

  • Installing the CONNECT storage engine
  • Creating and dropping CONNECT tables
  • Reading and writing CSV data using CONNECT
  • Reading and writing XML data using CONNECT
  • Accessing MariaDB tables using CONNECT
  • Using the XCOL table type
  • Using the PIVOT table type
  • Using the OCCUR table type

Exploring Dynamic and Virtual Columns in MariaDB

  • Creating tables with dynamic columns
  • Inserting, updating, and deleting dynamic column data
  • Reading data from a dynamic column
  • Using virtual columns

Performance and Usage Statistics

  • Installing the Audit Plugin
  • Using the Audit Plugin
  • Using engine-independent table statistics
  • Using extended statistics
  • Enabling the performance schema
  • Using the performance schema

Optimizing and Tuning MariaDB

  • Controlling MariaDB optimizer strategies
  • Using extended Keys with InnoDB and XtraDB
  • Configuring the MyISAM segmented key cache
  • Configuring threadpool
  • Configuring the Aria pagecache
  • Optimizing queries with the subquery cache
  • Optimizing semijoin subqueries
  • Using microseconds in DATETIME columns
  • Updating the DATETIME and TIMESTAMP columns automatically



Fundamental knowledge of any database and SQL language.

 14 Hours

Testimonials (7)

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