Course Outline


What is Malware?

  • Types of malware
  • The evolution of malware

Overview of Malware Attacks

  • Propagating 
  • Non-propagating

Matrices of ATT&CK

  • Enterprise ATT&CK
  • Pre-ATT&CK
  • Mobile ATT&CK


  • 11 tactics
  • Techniques
  • Procedures

Preparing the Development Environment

  • Setting up a version control center (GitHub)
  • Downloading a project that hosts a to-do list system of data
  • Installing and configuring ATT&CK Navigator

Monitoring a compromised system (WMI)

  • Instating command line scripts to conduct a lateral attack
  • Utilizing ATT&CK Navigator to identify the compromise
  • Assesing the compromise through the ATT&CK framework
  • Performing process monitoring
  • Documenting and patching the holes in the defense architecture

Monitoring a compromised system (EternalBlue)

  • Instating command line scripts to conduct a lateral attack
  • Utilizing ATT&CK Navigator to identify the compromise
  • Assesing the compromise through the ATT&CK framework
  • Performing process monitoring
  • Documenting and patching the holes in the defense architecture

Summary and Conclusion


  • An understanding of information system security


  • Information systems analysts
 7 Hours

Testimonials (2)

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