Course Outline


What is Social Engineering

  • Types of malware
  • The evolution of malware

Overview of Malware Attacks

  • Propagating
  • Non-propagating

Information Gathering

  • Domain information
  • Networking accounts
  • Maltego overview

Preparing the Penetration Testing Laboratory

  • Installing and configuring a virtual machine
  • Installing and configuring Maltego (information gathering tool)

Generating Evil Files

  • Installing and configuring BeeLogger
  • Implementing command lines scripts to access an operating system that uses bash
  • Creating an advanced backdoor
  • Creating a custom remote keylogger
  • Logging saved passwords
  • Executing payload
  • Reporting payload

Delivery Options

  • Initiating an SMTP server
  • Spoofing emails
  • Replicating any legitimate login page
  • Directing targets to access an evil URL

Social Engineering Prevention

  • Recognizing spoofed emails
  • Protecting against browser exploits
  • Detecting malware manually or using a sandbox

Summary and Conclusion


  • Experience with information systems


  • Information system analysts
 14 Hours

Testimonials (5)

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