Course Outline

Overview of Cloud

  • Virtalization (e.g. VirtualBox, WMware, KVM...)
  • Hardware support for virtalization (sharing networking interfaces, etc...)
  • Share nothing storage (S3, Ceph, Glacier)
  • Mixed model (Bare Metal + Cloud)

Public Cloud Providers

  • Amazon
  • Azure
  • Google
  • Aliyun
  • UnitedStack

Private Cloud Solutions

  • OpenStack
  • Amazon EC2
  • Ohters

Software as a Service

  • Benefits over deployable software
  • Consumer isolation
  • Legal aspects influencing solution
  • Redunancy
  • Availability
  • Managing upgrades, versionsing, etc...
  • Deployment options (BeanStalk, etc...)

Redundant Databases

  • NoSQL (e.g. MongoDB)
  • SQL/NewSQL (e.g. Galera Cluster)
  • Automate redundancy management with RDS
  • Pros vs Cons
  • Dealing with transactioons and consistency
  • Hadoop

Redundant WebServers

  • Loadbalacing
  • DNS load balacing (roundrobin, geo-proximity, etc..., e.g. Route53)
  • Session handling

Virtual Image Management (Appliances)

  • Image formats
  • Transfering images between zones
  • Image interoperability between clouds


Basic understanding system administrator tasks, recommended understanding of scalability issues

 35 Hours

Testimonials (3)

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