Course Outline


Overview of Forestry Features and Workflow

  • Forestry to Git connection
  • Site generators
  • Markdown editing
  • Front Matter and data files (YAML, JSON or TOML)

Setting up Forestry

  • Installing Forestry
  • Selecting a site generator (Hugo, Jekyll, VuePress, etc.)
  • Selecting a repository
  • Committing to the repository

Managing Content

  • Navigating the UI
  • Using the Editor
  • Working with Metadata
  • Adding media files

Managing Users

  • Assigning user roles (collaborators, developers, admins, etc.)

Customizing the CMS

  • Sidebars, labels, etc.
  • Setting up Instant Previews for previewing content changes

Deploying the Website

  • Choosing a host
  • Publishing committed changes

Automating the Deployment Process

  • Continuous Delivery tools and workflows for automating the publishing process

Integrating Forestry with Other Systems

  • Connecting to third-party applications using Webhooks


Summary and Conclusion


  • An understanding of Content Management Systems


  • System administrators
  • Website admins
  • Website builders
 7 Hours

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