Course Outline


  • Background
  • Audience
  • Scope
  • History
  • Design notes
  • Structure of this specification
  • A quick introduction to HTML
  • Conformance requirements for authors
  • Recommended reading

Common infrastructure

  • Terminology
  • Conformance requirements
  • Case-sensitivity and string comparison
  • UTF-8
  • Common microsyntaxes
  • URLs
  • Fetching resources
  • Common DOM interfaces
  • Namespaces

Semantics, structure, and APIs of HTML documents

  • Documents
  • Elements
  • APIs in HTML documents
  • Interactions with XPath and XSLT
  • Dynamic markup insertion

The elements of HTML

  • The root element
  • Document metadata
  • Scripting
  • Sections
  • Grouping content
  • Text-level semantics
  • Edits
  • Embedded content
  • Tabular data
  • Forms
  • Interactive elements
  • Links
  • Common idioms without dedicated elements
  • Matching HTML elements using selectors

Loading Web pages

  • Browsing contexts
  • The Window object
  • Origin
  • Session history and navigation
  • Browsing the Web
  • Offline Web applications

Web application APIs

  • Scripting
  • Base64 utility methods
  • Timers
  • User prompts
  • System state and capabilities: the Navigator object

User interaction

  • The hidden attribute
  • Activation
  • Focus
  • Assigning keyboard shortcuts
  • The contenteditable attribute
  • Spelling and grammar checking
  • Drag and drop
  • Editing APIs

The HTML syntax

  • Writing HTML documents
  • Parsing HTML documents
  • Serializing HTML fragments
  • Parsing HTML fragments
  • Named character references

The XHTML syntax

  • Writing XHTML documents
  • Parsing XHTML documents
  • Serializing XHTML fragments
  • Parsing XHTML fragments


  • Introduction
  • The CSS user agent style sheet and presentational hints
  • Replaced elements
  • Bindings
  • Frames and framesets
  • Interactive media
  • Print media

Obsolete features

  • Obsolete but conforming features
  • Non-conforming features
  • Requirements for implementations

IANA considerations

  • text/html
  • text/html-sandboxed
  • application/xhtml+xml
  • text/cache-manifest
 14 Hours

Testimonials (3)

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