Course Outline


  • Why Expo?

Overview of Expo SDK

The Lifecycle of an Expo Project

  • From start to iOS and Android app

Installation and Setup

Creating a New Project in Expo XDE

Developing Your Project Locally

Using the Asset Management System

  • Handling images, videos, fonts, etc.

Implementing Icons, Blur Views, and More

Wiring up Push Notifications

Routing and Navigation

Publishing Your Project (Non-App Store Publication)

Publishing Your Project to App Store and Google Play

  • Packaging your Expo app into a standalone binary

Detaching Your Project to the ExpoKit

Making Changes to Your Local Project

Viewing Logs

Debugging Your App

  • Using an emulator/simulator


Removing a Published Expo Project

Summary and Conclusion


  • Knowledge of or experience working with React and React Native.


  • Web application developers
 7 Hours

Testimonials (2)

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