Course Outline

Day 1 Morning

  • Agile principles & Scrum overview

Day 1 Afternoon

  • Release planning exercise – including definition of done, Product Backlog creation, prioritisation, estimation and refining
  • Simulation Sprint 1 (all Sprints will include: Sprint Planning, creating/implementing Sprint Backlog, Review)
  • Retrospective on Sprint 1

Day 2 Morning

  • Backlog refining exercise – focus on estimation, story points and velocity
  • Simulation Sprint 2 - focus on relationships with other stakeholders, burndown charts, Review meeting
  • Retrospective on Sprint 2

Day 2 Afternoon

  • Simulation Sprint 3 – focus on team dynamics
  • Retrospective on Sprint 3
  • Simulation Sprint 4
  • Retrospective on Sprint 4
 14 Hours

Testimonials (4)

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