Course Outline

Getting Started

  • The Java Technology Phenomenon
  • How to write basic "hello world" application
  • How to compile and execute Java code
  • How to make the code a bit more complex

Introducing Apache Maven

  • Convention over Configuration
  • Maven Plugins
  • Conceptual Model of a Project

Installing and Running Maven

  • Downloading and Installing Maven
  • Testing a Maven Installation
  • Getting Help with Maven

A Simple Maven Project

  • Creating a Simple Project
  • Building a Simple Project
  • Simple Project Object Model

Java Syntax

  • Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
  • Variables, arrays, data types, operators, and control flow
  • What are reference variables
  • Classes and objects
  • What inheritance is and how it works
  • What Interfaces are, why they are written and how
  • How to use Java String and Number objects and how to format data for output
  • What packages are for and why we must use import directive

Java Objects

  • Java classes overview
  • Java class life cycle
  • Class modifiers and inheritance
  • Overloading" and overriding
  • Class constructors
  • Polymorphism
  • Relationships: IS and HAS
  • 'static' keyword
  • When to use static members
  • Using objects within an application deployed with Maven

Customizing a Maven Project

  • Customize Project Information
  • Add New Dependencies
  • Add Resources
  • Building a Packaged Command-Line Application

Optimizing and Refactoring Maven POMs

  • POM Cleanup
  • Optimizing Dependencies
  • Optimizing Plugins
  • Final POMs

Java Collections

  • Collection interface
  • Lists, maps and sets
  • Collections and arrays
  • Concurrency
  • Manage collections with an application deployed with Maven

Java Memory

  • Garbage collector
  • Heap and stack
  • Object life cycle
  • 'finalize()' method

Java Exceptions

  • The general idea of Java Exceptions
  • Runtime and 'real' exceptions
  • Throwing an exception
  • 'try...catch' statements
  • 'throws' declaration
  • Designing your own exceptions
  • Test and manage exceptions with an application deployed with Maven

A multimodule project with Maven

  • Building the Multimodule project
  • Running the Multimodule application

Java Concurrency

  • Threads and concurrency
  • Threaded tasks
  • Joining threads
  • Class variables visibility
  • Build and run a multithread application with Maven


Procedural programming language (like C, PHP, Basic, Pascal) or object oriented programming language knowledge required.

 28 Hours

Testimonials (1)

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