Course Outline

Node.js characteristics & Fundamentals (In comparison with Java)

  • Node.js, V8 & Server side development (why use Node.js ?)
    • Blocking vs. Non-Blocking
    • Event-driven Programming
    • Event Loop & the Callback pattern
  • Node.js Architecture
    • Module & Sandbox Pattern
    • Npm
    • Dependency mechanisms
    • The package.json file
  • V8 engine internals
    • Memory schemes
    • Garbage collection
    • Memory leaks
    • Monitoring memory and CPU
  • Logging with Node.js
  • Node.js Middleware
    • SSL & TLS
  • Node.js versions & migrations

Express.js characteristics & Fundamentals (In comparison with the Java EE specification (Websphere, Tomcat)))

  • Application configuration & settings
  • Template engines
  • Routing
  • HTTP
  • Request and Response Objects
  • SSL & TLS
  • Error handling
  • Multithreading
  • JSON


  • Getting started
  • Smart Features
  • Package Managers
  • WebStrom & Node, Angular, Express
  • Code inspection, quality tools, profiling
  • Debugging
  • Unit testing


  • Application packaging and deployments
  • Nodejs+pm2 runtime packaging and deployment
  • Nodejs scripts package
  • Checking and switching nodejs version
  • Filesystem locations and standards
  • Logging
  • Init scripts
  • SSL/TLS certificates
  • Monitoring
  • Stop, start, delete, resurrect applications
  • Stop, start, resurrect PM2 process

Logging with Winston.js

  • Logging with winston
  • Transports
  • Loggers
  • Log levels
  • Profiling
  • Streaming logs
  • Querying logs
  • Filters, Rewriters


The attendees must have some understanding of development with Node.js and Express.js

 21 Hours

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