Course Outline


Getting Started in RBM

  • Defining the Function and Benefits of RBM
  • Examples of Historical Outcomes using RBM
  • Putting Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Together within RBM
  • Tools and Techniques of Programme Management
  • Principles of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluating for Results
  • Overview of Key Roles and Responsibilities


Planning for Results: Practical Applications

  • Understanding the Strategic Plan and your relative SMART Goals
  • Managing Stakeholder Engagement and Expectations
  • The Planning Exercise: A Thorough Understanding of the Problem
  • Route Cause Analysis to Define Problems and Issues
  • Finalising the Deliverables - A Results Framework
  • Creating a Set of Positive Results


Planning for Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
  • Resources for Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Monitoring: Collection of Data, Analysis and Reporting
  • The Role and Function of Risk Management in RBM
  • Resources Required for Risk Management
  • Contemporary Best Practice in Risk Management


Communicating and Coordinating Project Reporting 

  • Building Solid Communication Channels Up and Down
  • Developing the “Impact Statement”
  • Defining and Communicating the Outputs
  • Communication Breakdowns and How to Avoid Them
  • Putting it All Together: Communicating Indicators of Change
  • Off- site Mentoring on Results-based Planning and Reporting


Evaluating for Results

  • Why Evaluate? - Uses of Evaluation
  • Principles, Norms and Standards for Evaluation
  • Roles and Responsibilities in Evaluation
  • Requirements for Programme Teams
  • Steps in the Evaluation Process
  • Avoiding the Pitfalls of RBM
  • Course Summary and Team Exercise
 35 Hours

Testimonials (3)

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