Course Outline

Introduction to Automated Testing

  • Testing concepts
  • Possibilities and limitations of Selenium


  • Understanding locators
  • ID, CSS, XPath and Name locator types

Advanced Locators

  • Dynamic locators
  • Building a path
  • Relationships between elements on a path
  • Locating elements with desired text
  • Best practices

NUnit based Project

  • NuGet packages

Selenium WebDriver

  • C# basics
  • WebDriver API
  • Debugging


  • Annotations
  • Assertions
  • Parameters
  • Cross-browser testing
  • Reporting

Advanced Selenium WebDriver

  • Dynamic content
  • Screenshots
  • Design patterns


  • Familiarity with Microsoft Visual Studio
  • Working knowledge of C#


  • Developers and testers with knowledge of C# who wish to set up automating testing with Selenium
 14 Hours

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