Course Outline


  • System and Component Cohesion
  • System/component Dependencies
  • Software Architecture
  • Technical Architecture
  • Enterprise Architecture
  • SOA and Micro services architecture
  • Relationships between above concepts
  • Logic redudancy vs dependency
  • Data reduancy  vs dependency

Software Architecture


  • clarification of terms: architecture, design, modeling
  • orthogonality
  • conways Law

Common Architectures

  • modular decomposition
  • hierarchical architecture
  • centralised (Mediator Pattern)
  • event-based architecture
  • interrupt-based
  • OSI
  • client/server
  • layer model

Principles of OO Design

  • DRY, SRP
  • encapsulation
  • program against an interface
  • Liskovs principle
  • Law of Demeter

Design Patterns

  • what are Design Patterns
  • Creational Patterns
  • Structural Patterns
  • Behavioural Patterns
  • Model-Controller-View (MCV)

Design Tools

  • Domain specific language
  • Lexical Analysis
  • CRC cards
  • scenarios
  • Use Case descriptions

UML Graphical Representations

  • Class Diagram
  • Sequence Diagram
  • aggregation diagram
  • UML tools

Non-UML Graphical Representations

  • ER-modeling
  • State Machine
  • data flow
  • architectural model

Design and Maintenance

  • Lehmanns Laws
  • Architectural Antipatterns
  • Refactoring Strategies

SOA and Integration Patterns

  • Integration technologies and methods
  • Synchronous/Asynchronous
  • More details direct communication patterns
  • Direct and brokered communication
  • Message Queuing
  • ESB

Deployment Patterns

  • Code Deployment
  • Immutable deployment
  • Availability, Scaleability, High Performance, Fault tolerance patterns
  • Data and messages replication and clustering (CAP theorem)


 21 Hours

Testimonials (6)

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