Course Outline

  1. Job burnout – definition attempt
    • Sign and symptoms
    • How to see them inside of myself?
    • How vulnerable am I – self-diagnosis of my own job burnout sensibility
    • Values, priorities and other predispositions
    • How to prevent job burnout
    • Red and yellow light – how to notice first symptoms of coming job burnout?
  2. Prevention is better than treatment – basic techniques of protection against job burnout
    • Coaching methods – ex. Life circle
    • Motivational goals setting using SMART method
    • Priorities settlement using Eisenhower’s matrix
  3. Factors apparently useless- however helpful
    • Good contact with myself establishing
    • Self- awareness as a key to prevent job burnout
    • Dreams - pipe-dreams and lost time or road-signs?
    • What to do to have a strong feeling: “I want”- introduction to motivational work with myself
  4. Motivation – efficient techniques of self-motivation
    • Meanders and bends of internal motivation
    • Efficient ways of looking for internal motivation
    • what is success desire ?
    • efficient self-motivation techniques – work with guided imagination
    • efficient self-motivation techniques – by goals and resources analysis
    • efficient self-motivation techniques- priorities setting and value hierarchy recognizing
    • personal convictions – how do I think about my success? My own style of success and failure explanation
    • personal attitude – how do I understand failure?
    • Imaginations and dreams – a friend and enemy of motivation
  5. Emotional self-awareness building in a team:
    • About anger which can addict
    • About emotions muting which can apparently work, but causes explosion
  6. Stress
    • basic knowledge about stress
    • how to use positive stress called eustress
    • my own stress factors recognition
    • how to control own emotions
  7. Diagnosis of own vulnerability for stress and previous ways of coping with stress and difficult situations.
  8. Techniques and methods of stress reduction
    • environmental: work with surrounding
    • physiological: breath control, progressive muscular relaxations by Jacobson
    • mental: autogenic training by Schultz, work with guided images
    • Practicing relaxation techniques: muscular relaxation like Jacobson’s training, techniques of imagination and self-suggestion like Schultz’s training
  9. Stress taming techniques:
    • Masks and poker technique (used by special forces ex. Mosad)
    • Separating stress form visible physiological reactions
    • poker face with simmering inside
    • new skills training
  10. The basic rules of anti-stress prevention


There are no specific requirements needed to attend this course.

 14 Hours

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